Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Aftershock is Pleasant Ridge Center's 9th-12th grade group. We meet for food, fellowship, and spiritual growth each Sunday night from 5pm-6:30pm. Aftershock is a place where the Word of God is taught, worship is open, and fun is always a necessity! Aftershock is named after Acts 4:31. The story of John and Peter being condemned for preaching in the name of Jesus. Their response was to preach even more bold then they have. The building they were in started to shake and they were filled with the Holy Spirit! Our job at PRC is to equip each individual with knowledge to understand the Word of God, but to be able to boldly share it as well! Aftershock is an open group to all who are curious to know what the Bible is and why we are followers of Christ. Aftershock is led by Connor & Erin Reed . Their goal for each person is to "Show the Word of God through his character and actions", they want each person to gain the knowledge of God, but to truly understand the character of God through our Bible studies. We are an open and loving group striving to glorify God in all we do!

Sunday Night

5:00pm to 6:30pm

We serve a meal every Sunday evening

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