Pastoral Team

Jason Taylor


Jason is married to Tracy and they have two children. They helped plant Pleasant Ridge in 2019. He is responsible for seeking God's Spiritual direction for the church as well as shepherding the church. He is oversees the ministries of greeters, communication, security, new visitors, finances, ridge apparel, sound & technology and the operations of the church.

Jason Wright


Jason is married to Sherri and they have two children. They started attending the church in 2020 and became a elder in 2022.  He is responsible for seeking God's Spiritual direction for the church as well as shepherding the church.. He oversees the ministries of community outreach, church socials and church care.

Sherman Taylor


Sherman is married to Ann and they have 5 children. They helped plant Pleasant Ridge in 2019. He is responsible for seeking God's Spiritual direction for the church as well as shepherding the church.. He oversees the ministries of building maintenance, outdoor lawn care, cleaning and decorating teams.

Matthew Keller


Matthew is married to Kyleigh. Matthew joined the church in 2021 as our Next Generation Leader. He was brought on as an elder January 2023.  He is responsible for seeking God's Spiritual direction for the church as well as shepherding the church. His  responsibility is  teaching/preaching the church body.

Nate Betts


Nate is married to Jill and they have 3 children. They have been attending since Pleasant Ridge since 2021. Nate was brought on as an elder November 2024. He is responsible for seeking God's Spiritual direction for the church as well as shepherding the church.. He oversees the ministry of praise and worship .

Ministries team

Connor Windings

Worship Leader

Connor is married to Camryn and they have one child. They have been attending since February 2024. Connor was brought on in August 2024 as the Worship leader. 

Connor & Erin Reed

Next Generation Leaders

Connor & Erin is responsible for teaching and growing our next generation.  They teach Aftershock our 9th-12th grade. They also oversee Breakthrough our 6th-8th grade, Tremble our 3rd-5th grade youth group.

Jeremy & Sherie Smith

Men's & Women's Group Coordinators

Jeremy is married to Sherie. They lead our Men's and Women's ministries.

Sherri Wright

Missions Coordinator

Sherri is responsible for ministries of missions, community outreach, church socials and church care  

Tracy Taylor

Ridge Apparel Coordinator

Tracy is married to Jason. She is responsible for the design, manufacturing and distribution of Ridge Apparel.

Kayler Wright

Children's Church Coordinator

Kayler is married to Lane and they have two children. They have been attending the church since February 2020. She is responsible for the all aspects of children's church.

Camryn Windings

Events & Media Coordinator

Camryn is married to Connor and they have one child. They have been attending since February 2024. Camryn was brought on in August 2024 as our Events & Media Coordinator.